Not in verse

A place for poetry, not in verse but from the heart.

Friday, May 26, 2006

A night lovesong

you are such an extravagant sleeper. your arms
flung to the cot rails like the filaments of some strange plant
your cheeks flushed with dreaming heat
your eyes fluttering, lashes trembling against the skin

I stand and I see you
I hear your musing, sighing breath
I watch your night pass

and I am overcome again
every moment as bright as the first

and I wonder at your power
my little and only star
making my heart a supernovae

just dust, we both
at the end
but animate clay for now, and mine
turning to you day and night, waking and sleeping, irrestistably drawn

forever and forever, beautiful sleeper, you have me
my rosy daughter
my little bear-in-blanket
my beloved and loving child


- 13 July 2004


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