Not in verse

A place for poetry, not in verse but from the heart.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

For E, 3 months old

You smile, and your eyes
crinkle at their corners like cellophane
your so-blue, so-large eyes
shining in your baby face like two stars

Now you are laughing, great big belly chuckles
Ha! Ha! Ha! you say, your voice astoundingly potent for one so small
you are delighted with the world as you find it just now
every day surprised and impressed with the beauty in trees, in toys, in our faces
every day bringing you new treasures

Yesterday you discovered wind. Your face
was a picture of amazement as we battled the gusts
your big sister was laughing at the leaves dancing their involuntary dance, and you
thought for a bit
sipped the wind for a bit
then called out "HA!" in the most wonderful voice
the voice of a happy child
the voice of a contented child
the voice of a beloved child who knows she is free to explore the world

When you come to me at night for your milk
the house quiet, dark, still
your father sleeping beside us
your sister asleep in her bed
you open your eyes just long enough to find me, then
you transfix me with your smile
your full-hearted smile, the one you save just for me
then you drink health and rest from my body
sustenance and comfort and peace
and we drift together into that ecstatic sleepiness that passes all understanding

And looking at you
already growing so big
already rolling your body
already responding to everything around you
I feel humble
from me you came, from me you feed, from me you are learning to be in the world
you, and your sister before you, give a shape to my life
carrying you and birthing you and feeding you and raising you
a shape that I like
a me that I can like
being your mother, dear
makes me a fortunate woman
you, dear
are my little pearl-beyond-price.

- 1 September 2005


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